
As the semester is drawing to an end everyone is focusing on the fact that it is ending rather than the fact that something new is beginning.  With the end of anything comes the beginning of something else.  People cry when things end, like graduations or weddings.  Instead they should be rejoicing that they are given the chance of a new beginning.  Starting over is scary, no one knows what the expect from this new thing.  But its also exciting because we are given a new chance to be whatever we want or to just start over if we need.  Not everyone needs a fresh start.  Some people are perfectly content with who they are, but for every person like that there is someone who wants to change for whatever reason and new beginnings are perfect for that.  When one part of their life is ending they can say goodbye to whatever part of them self that they didn’t like and introduce a new part of them self that they think they will like.  And sometimes the new beginnings are better than any ending we could ever imagine.